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Simplify your Skincare

Writer's picture: Every Little ThingEvery Little Thing

How to Declutter and Organise Your Skincare

If you don't want to edit your entire bathroom, you can concentrate on one category at a time; this post focuses on one of the categories that can be found in the bathroom - our skincare products.

We often ditch our current skincare products when we discover a new wonder product that will magically transform our lives. Friendly salespeople, pretty packaging, glamourous TV adverts and glossy magazines can all talk us into buying new products we didn't even know we wanted or needed. The beauty industry is big business.

Bathroom cabinets, shelves, dressing table drawers and toiletry bags can become full of half-used and un-loved bottles, jars and tubes.

Below are some steps and tips to help you to keep on top of your skincare products and make your morning and evening routines much easier.

You are much more likely to stick to an effective skincare routine that you enjoy doing when you keep the products simple.


First, get all the skincare you put on your face (cleansers, serums, creams and treatments) from your bathroom, dressing table, bedside table or wherever they may be in your home and put them all together in one big pile. Somewhere that you will have enough space to spread out and sort through them.

You'll probably find some of those life-changing products that you haven't used for months 😉!


Organise them into category groups of 'like for like' products, such as cleansers, toners, eye creams, moisturisers, body lotions etc.

You can use a sticky note to label the categories if you need to.


Get three bags or boxes that you can use for your clutter sorting categories such as RUBBISH, RECYCLE and DONATE.

Go through each category and item and ask if you really need it.

What would you take with you if you were going away for a few weeks?

For me, this is the best question. It quickly identifies the items you need and your favourites. You can then ask why you are keeping everything else.

Is it still in date?

Most products have a use-by date, usually 12 or 24 months. Look for a packaging symbol with a number and the letter M. This shows how many months the product is safe and effective from opening (6M = 6 months, 12M = 12 months...)

If any products don't look, smell or feel right anymore, it's best to throw them away.

There is a website called that you can use to find out the manufacture date of products and see how old they are. (I've had mixed success locating products when working with clients, but it can be fun to check!)

Try and purge your products down to what you use daily and weekly.

Remove anything that isn't essential to your regular routines and rituals or that you love and makes you feel good.

Do I really need endless miniatures for holidays? Am I likely to use this regularly? Am I keeping this because it was expensive rather than liking it?

Skincare Expiry Dates | Declutter Your Skincare


If you haven't used it - why? If you have only used it once, but it's just not suitable for your skin. Donate it.

It's hard to let go of products you may have spent a lot of money on (especially if finances are tight), Still, a cream that irritates your skin is not benefiting you at all.

Donate new and gently used products to women's shelters or local hospices and hospitals. Give them a call first to check what their policy is on accepting items. Have a look at Toiletries Amnesty for details of how and where you can donate.

You can swap or sell new high-quality branded products on auction sites or beauty forums.

Give to friends and family who may want to try a new product, or give new products as gifts.


Once you have decluttered and only have left what you are going to keep, get some surface cleaner and give the shelves, drawers, storage and products a good wipe-over.

Clean the outside of the bottles and wipe the necks - you'll be more likely to use them if they look clean and fresh.


If you regularly spend time searching through drawers and cosmetics bags to find your cleanser or moisturiser, you're wasting time. Probably putting yourself in a bad mood in the mornings and not having an effective skincare routine. (A good skincare routine is essential to make you look and feel your best).

Think about where would be the most practical place to store your skincare. Think about where you take your make-up off and put your moisturiser on.

Make sure that the items you use daily are kept together, visible and easily accessible.

Use containers and drawer dividers to keep them organised and make your morning and evening routines easier.

Your spare and less used products should be stored separately. Store and contain by category to keep them organised.

My favourite places for bathroom storage are Ikea, Muji and TK Maxx/Homesense.

Simplify Your Skincare | Declutter


Be intentional about your skincare routine.

What does your skin need? What fits in with your lifestyle?

Seeing and thinking about what you have and what you actually need will help you simplify further, stopping you from buying more products on impulse.

Write a list of any products you NEED to complete your routine and take care of your skin.

Here are some habits to adopt to keep your skincare simple;

Use up your current product before opening a new one.

With all the temptation to buy new products, it's hard not to start on the new one straight away. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to new products if you can afford to, but use up your current one first (unless it doesn't work for your skin, in which case you should donate it straight away). Reduce product and money waste. Some companies, such as Lush, Kiehl's and Mac, even offer free products when you return empty containers.

Keep a note of when you brought it.

If you don't use products up quickly and struggle to remember how old they are, the next time you buy something new, add the date with a permanent marker or small label, so you always know how old it is.

If you simplify down to only what you regularly use, products shouldn't become out of date, but it's worth doing until you get to this point.

Buy Smaller Sizes.

For items that you only use occasionally, seasonally or want to try a new product - have a look to see if they do a sample or travel size, or buy the smallest size.

Keep your products clean.

Keep your products germ free by making sure that your hands are clean before you put your fingers in a jar, or better still, use a spatula,

Pick pump dispensers wherever possible; they reduce the amount of air and bacteria exposed to the formula and extend the life of the product.

Use your senses.

A sniff is a really good indicator. Natural skincare develops sharp or sour notes when 'off'.

If a product starts to look, smell or feel different - throw it out straight away.

Now you should know exactly what you have, what you need and where it is and be clearer and cleaner - reward yourself with a well-earned mini facial with that face mask you have just found!


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